Upgrading for Existing LME Users

Currently the only upgrade path is from 1.4 to 2.0. We highly recommend upgrading to 1.4 if you are using an earlier version as that is the only supported upgrade path defined in the link above.

Upgrading from 1x to 2x

Note: You don't have to upgrade to 2x, but this is the guide to do so. You can just do a fresh install of 2x. You will want to skip to the uninstall section (Section 4) to clear your system of the old version if you are not upgrading.

  1. Checkout the latest version of the LME repository to your home directory

    cd ~
    git clone https://github.com/cisagov/LME.git
  2. Export indices:

    Note: This may take some time witout feedback. Make sure it finishes successfully

    A successful completion looks like this:

    Data and mappings export completed. Backup stored in: /lme_backup
    Files created:
    - /lme_backup/winlogbeat_data.json.gz
    - /lme_backup/winlogbeat_mappings.json.gz

    Run this command to export the indices (this may take some time without feedback):

    cd ~/LME/scripts/upgrade
    sudo ./export_1x.sh
  3. Either export the dashboards or use the existing ones

    • If you don't have custom dashboards, you can use the path to the existing ones in the following steps
      /opt/lme/Chapter 4 Files/dashboards/ or
      /opt/lme-old/Chapter 4 Files/dashboards/
    • If you have custom dashboards, you will need to export them and use that path:
      # Export all of the dashboards, it is the last option
      cd ~/LME/scripts/upgrade/
      pip install -r requirements.txt
      export_dashboards.py -u elastic -p yourpassword
      • Your path to use for the importer will be:
  4. Uninstall old LME version

    sudo su
    cd "/opt/lme/Chapter 3 Files/"
    ./deploy.sh uninstall

    Go back to your user


    If you are using docker for more than lme (You want to keep docker)

    sudo docker volume rm lme_esdata sudo docker volume rm lme_logstashdata

    If you are only using docker for lme

    Remove existing volumes

    cd ~/LME/scripts/upgrade

    sudo su # Become root in the right directory ./remove_volumes.sh

    Uninstall Docker


    Rename the directory to make room for the new install

    mv /opt/lme /opt/lme-old exit # Go back to regular user

  5. Install LME version 2x

    #***** Make sure you are running as normal user *****#
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install ansible

    Copy the environment file

    cp ~/LME/config/example.env ~/LME/config/lme-environment.env

    Edit the lme-environment.env and change all the passwords

    vim ~/LME/config/lme-environment.env

    Change to the script directory

    cd ~/LME/ansible/

    ansible-playbook install_lme_local.yml

    Load podman into your environment

    . ~/.profile

    Have the full paths of the winlogbeat files that you exported earlier ready



    cd ../scripts/

    This will extract the secrets from the environment file and show them to you. Save these passwords.

    . extract_secrets.sh -p

    This will import the winlogbeat data and mappings use the elastic password from above


    Use the path from above dashboard export or original dashboards

    Use the elastic password from above. It is the new password for elastic

    sudo ./upgrade/import_dashboards.sh -d /opt/lme-old/Chapter\ 4\ Files/dashboards/

    You will now want to do the rest of the installation instructions in the README at the root of the repo. Start with the section after running ansible-playbook install_lme_local.yml